
What Is Branding?

Branding is something we interact with every day, and it’s so ingrained in our lives that we usually don’t notice we’re making branding choices. From the brand of shoes you slip on in the morning, to the coffee you prefer, we’re always choosing one brand over another, have you ever wondered why?

Branding creates an emotional connection between the consumer and the company and that emotional connection is based on trust. We choose brands because we trust them. We know what kind of experience to expect when we use them. A strong brand consistently delivers on the promises it makes in its messaging. This consistency is what creates brand loyalty, it’s why people love Apple, Toyota, or Coca-Cola.

The Branding Formula

Your brand is a collection of elements, that together create an authentic and cohesive vision of who your company is. Branding is more than a logo and a color scheme. It’s your identity, personality, and customer experience.

Voice & Messaging: Your messaging should be intentional, strategic, and consistent.

Visuals (Identity): How you communicate your personality and values.

Values & Purpose: Your messaging should be intentional, strategic, and consistent.

Vision: A beacon to guide your brand’s focus and direction.

Strategy: It’s more than just a pretty logo & some nice copy.

Ok, but how does it work?

Our Branding Process

We understand that re-branding or creating a new brand can be daunting and intimidating. We’re here to be your guides, who will help create an amazing new look and feel for your company that will help you establish a positive and distinct image that will resonate with clients/customers and help build a long-term relationship with them. No big deal, right? We have a step-by-step approach to how we work with clients, and we believe in being transparent about how we do things. Below is exactly what you can expect from start to finish. We’ll keep you in the loop every step of the way.

Branding Timeline

Step 1: Branding Questionnaire

Step 2: Kickoff Meeting

Step 3: Research & Strategizing

Step 4: Discuss

Step 5: Revise & Hone In

Step 6: Discuss

Step 7: Final Revisions

Step 8: You Have a New Brand!

Voice & Messaging

Visuals (Identity)

Values & Purpose


It’s more than just a pretty logo & some nice copy

Brand Strategy

Developing a brand strategy requires a deep understanding of your target audience, the competitive landscape, and the business goals of the brand. It is an ongoing process that requires regular review and adjustment to ensure that the brand remains relevant and effective.


Creating messaging and marketing efforts that effectively communicate the brand’s unique value proposition to its target audience.


The communication of the values, mission, and personality of a brand to its audience, which helps shape the overall perception of a brand.


Why do you do what you do? This will be the guiding principle for not just all of your messaging but also your business. With a clear sense of purpose, a business can communicate its message more effectively and authentically which helps build trust and credibility. Purpose also drives innovation and creativity within a company, because it provides a clear direction and focus for employees.


Things change. By staying flexible and open to change, businesses can better respond to shifts in the market and consumer behavior, and ensure that their brand stays relevant and successful over time.

Brand Guidelines

A set of rules and guidelines for how to consistently communicate and present the brand across all marketing channels. Brand consistency is what builds trust in clients and customers.